MONEY comes to money, and it is certainly no different in banking.
Today's news that these huge financial institutions made more money per customer (£75) than any other business sector has raised more than a few eyebrows.
Overdraft charges, interest on loans and penalty fees are the money-makers for them, so clearly it is our own fault and not their greed at all.
But there is also a responsibility to be had. It really annoys me when my bank increases my overdraft without asking me, ups my credit limit because of the way I 'manage my account', or the worst one of the lot - sends me blank cheques as if having the credit card wasn't enough.
It is all a temptation to spend more money that still needs paying back at some point.
Clearly we have to be wise and rise above it, but for those who are feeling the pinch - especially with rising energy bills - it is a temptation that can lead into trouble.
They offer it and take it away - no doubt on the same day on the same doormat for some - and it is about time we were given better control of the 'management of our accounts'.
On one occasion when I needed to up my credit limit I was refused, yet I had brought it down myself from a level I considered ridiculous - and dangerous - should my card fall into the wrong hands. It was well below what I had initially been given, but then that would have been for my benefit and not for theirs.
GREAT news that the Government has given the go-ahead for ConocoPhillips to increase electricity production, and expand its power plant in Immingham.
The very fact that the American energy giant is considering the work on the Humber is an amazing shot in the arm for those who are employed there. A jewel in the company's portfolio it shows the commitment and regard that the plant is held in.
The only surprise for me was that the utilities companies didn't top the banks when it came to money per customer!