Flying without wings as simulator takes off.
AS ventures go it is quite a pioneering one. Eastern Airways' move into world class pilot training is groundbreaking for the region, and for regional airlines even.
The investment in the facility should be praised, as the company is now bringing a new dimension to what Humberside Airport can offer.
With the HQ, a massive maintenance operation and now the simulator here as well, it really sets up a new platform for progression.
Any investment in the area should be seen in a positive light, but when it comes from a new source and a very different one at that, then it is heartening indeed.
The simiulator itself is an amazing bit of kit, and not a small one at that. Think Krypton Factor and you're on the right track, but this massive machine also has a large area behind the cockpit to allow others to watch on, and a control area for those taking the training to introduce adverse weather, technical issues etc...
Having been given the controls when shown round it was amazing how you get a feel of really flying it - the effects are phenomenal. From the slight change in aerodynamics when you raise and lower the undercarriage to the jerking as you head into a stall (I didn't say I was good!!), the value of the exact replica of the plane of choice for Eastern is clear.
Now with foreign pilots coming in to use the facility too, it will be a hive of activity with the obvious benefits to the hotel and leisure industries of northern Lincolnshire too.