Thursday, June 28, 2007

Guest Blog: Penny Hemming, director of CBI Yorkshire and Humber, gives her take on the new Government.

Is what is in Gordon Brown's cabinet good for business?
CBI Director for Yorkshire & the Humber, Penny Hemming, believes so.

This is an imaginative re-shaping of the structure of government. The new
brief of the Department of Business and Enterprise will ensure that it is able
to champion the competitiveness agenda in critical areas of policy including
energy, employment and regulation.
At the same time, the appointment of John Hutton as Secretary of State will
provide the strong voice in the new Brown Cabinet that business was seeking so
that government fully understands the realities of today's global economy.
The creation of a Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills signals
a new and much needed sense of urgency focused on the delivery of the right
skills for our economic future. All of these areas contribute enormously to
wealth creation in the UK.
We are cautious about the separation of science and industry, as the UK needs
to become better when it comes to the economic exploitation of science. Our
creation and use of knowledge in the years ahead will define our ability to
compete in tomorrow's global economy. The key test will be the strength of the
department's economic focus which John Denham, as the new Secretary of State
will need to provide.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Rewarding night for all

CHEERS, tears and the popping of champagne corks - yes it was the Northern Lincolnshire Business Awards.
The fabulous opportunity to celebrate all that is good about industry and commerce was taken in fine style, with 500 people filling Grimsby Auditorium.
And as usual, the Hull and Humber Chamber of Commerce served up a treat with an event to be proud of.
James Bond was the theme and it lived up to levels of sophistication served up on the silver screen for decades.
From John Sergeant and Helen Fospero emerging from a magnificent Aston Martin, to high quality entertainment and worthy winners, THE event in northern Lincolnshire's bnusiness calendar was once again a night to be proud of and associated with.
So get thinking now, which category can you go for for 2008?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Seafish swept south in tide of enthusiasm...and common sense.

BUILD it and they will come...
Wise words that seem to be bearing fruit.
Seafish's proposal to move to the Humber Seafood Institute as the foundations are laid is confidence in a wisely thought out addition to Grimsby's vibrant food industry.
With the move come 35 people in jobs that are roundly acknowledged as positions we should be aspiring to offer.
Great foresight long ago by those in industry and those listening closely enough has seen the HSI materialise. Yes it is on Europarc, not the fish docks, but this is a state-of-the-art development needed now, while there is a buzz and a vibrancy, and not when a decision is finally made on what to do with the view from my office window.
I look forward to walking into the Humber Seafood Institute and meeting Mr Rutherford and his team. And I look forward to them and our economic development team welcoming even more big names to this part of the world.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sing when we're fish(process)ing!

BEING a journalist is a privilege, but with the territory comes some tough challenges, difficult people to deal with and agonsingly having to report on aspects of life people would rather bury in the back of the filing cabinet and throw away the key.
Not this week though. A little tip from a business acquaintance and I found the Monday morning notice to the stock market about a disposal by the London-based Real Good Food Company. Not quite the whole story though, this sale - and let's face it a £35-million sale is not just any transaction - could unlock majhor expansion for the subject - our very own Five Star Fish.
Bought from founder John Fenty for £20-million just three years ago, the directors who remained have added value to an added value processor at a level of £15-million.
"Delighted" was the key word in MD Danny Burton's summing up of the situation, and he has every right to be. Coming in to a company, learning how it works and then taking over the mantle from the chap who built it up is no easy task. But what he and the management team has done is nothing short of phenomenal. Against rising raw material costs and energy prices they have progressed at a rate of knots and want commending for it. I just hope they remember the efforts and when the nominations for business growth awards are sought, they take pride in the work that has been done and get the recognition they truly deserve.
British Seafood's talk of admiration for Five Star is accolade enough perhaps, but there is more to be gained I feel.

SPEAKING of awards, I'll be dusting down the black tie next week ready for the Northern Lincolnshire Business Awards, sponsored by our goodselves at GSMG and organised by Hull and Humber Chamber of Commerce. With virtually 500 people booked in, John Sergeant speaking and a casino feel to the proceedings, I think it is fair to say we are in for a good night.
I look forward to seeing you there if you are going, it not - catch up with it all in a double page special on Tuesday, June 26.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Lack of blog - an apology!

Apologies for the absence of a blog recently. Problems with use and memory of passwords, Google taking over the programme I use and holidays have led to a less than acceptable number of posts of late.

Well now I'm back, refreshed, ready and willing to touch on topics we are genuinely interested in.

Thanks for your patience!
